Tercio Ambrizzi is Full Professor (2006) - Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences (IAG) - University of São Paulo (USP) - Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences (DAS)- SP – Brazil; Ph.D. (1993) - University of Reading, UK. Lecturer and scientific researcher: at IAG, Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences, USP. Commenced Sept/1988; Head of the DAS - IAG/USP (6 years). Coordinator of the Climate Studies Group (GrEC) at IAG/USP and General Coordinator of INCLINE (INter-disciplinary CLimate INvEstigation Center). Chief Editor of the Brazilian Journal of Meteorology 2002-2006. DIRECTOR of the IAG 2009–2013. Reviewer for the AR4 and AR5 IPCC reports. MANY PUBLICATIONS IN PEER REVIEW JOURNALS AND BOOK CHAPTERS. Over 200 extended abstracts published in national and international conferences/congresses/symposiums. Finished: 13 M.Sc Dissertations; 9 Ph.D. Thesis; and 4 Pos-Docs, Currently advising: 2 M.Sc. students; 5 Ph.D. students and 2 Pos-Docs.
Graduated in Meteorology by the University of Sao Paulo (1988), masters degree in Meteorology by the University of Sao Paulo (1992) and PhD in Meteorology by the National Institute of Spatial Researches (1999). Currently is a professor of the Departament of Atmospheric Scientes of the University of Sao Paulo. Have experience in Geoscience, with emphasis in Climatology and Dynamic Climatology, mainly practicing the following themes: regional climatic simulations, lower level jets, climatic forecast, climatology, studies of the dynamics and numerical forecast of cyclogenesis over South America.